Keyword: transaction costs
The Annoying Neighbor (12/21/2001)
Tit-for-tat is one way to force producers of negative externalities to internalize them.
Keywords: annoying neighbor, honking, negative externalities, transaction costs
The Tragedy of the Anticommons (8/13/1999)
When too many individuals have the right of exclusion to a scarce resource, and no one has an effective privilege of use, under-utilization may occur.
Keywords: anticommons, bundle, commons, exclusion, holding out, inclusion, Kobe, land, property rights, tragedy, transaction costs
Transaction Costs and Market Structure (2/2/2000)
The ubiquitous existence of transactions costs in the real world determines both the institutional structure within which prices are set and the level of prices.
Keywords: comparative advantage, fish market, institution, market, market structure, middleman, middlemen, price determination, specialization, transaction costs
Uber as a Two-sided Market (3/15/2015)
By reducing information cost, the internet has ushered in many novel two-sided markets.
Keywords: ads, AirBnB, FedEx, Google, infrastructure, newspaper, price structure, pricing structure, private good, public good, search engine, sharing economy, transaction costs, two-sided market, Uber
Water Disputes in California (4/14/2000)
Ambiguous property rights and high transaction costs may scuttle beneficial exchanges.
Keywords: agriculture, Colorado River, farming, Imperial Valley, property rights, transaction costs, water